Stormwater Management

Stormwater is the top source of water contamination in the United States today, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Both the public and private sectors must prevent, control, and treat stormwater to avoid potential public health problems, expensive natural resource losses, and regulatory action. Hulbert has the expertise and experience to meet today’s stormwater regulations with flexible, cost-effective solutions. Our engineers are committed to teaming with clients and regulators to develop implementable solutions that conserve and enhance our natural resources.

MacArthur Elementary School

State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR)

The goal of New York’s Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Act is to avoid or limit possible negative impacts on the environment (ie: subdividing land, adopting land use plans, building a housing development, roadway, or resolving wetland issues). When any state or local agency makes a decision about a proposed action, it must give equal consideration to environmental protection, human and community resources and economic factors. The SEQR process provides a way for agencies to look closely at the possible environmental impacts of a proposed action.

Hulbert can help with your SEQR approval by working with you to form a negative declaration so that you may commence with your building project.

Asbestos Project Design

Hulbert has the knowledge, ability, and certification to provide Asbestos Project Design, from the initial identification of asbestos throughout the remediation process, working with all applicable state and federal asbestos regulations.

Bulk Storage Tank Compliance

Hulbert evaluates the compliance of tank facilities with state regulations and permits through inspections and investigation to determine appropriate actions to achieve compliance through planning and design.

See How We Can Help You